The two veils are grandeur display of the studies from Here and Now.
Using identical materials and methods, the work emphasizes the hands of the maker as the manufacturer.
Hand-weaving is slow, intentional, and focused.
In such a technically-driven world, this careful working of the hands reveals the raw instinct of human desire for the tactical creation, and at the same time, the complex mechanics of hands that machines have adopted from.
It refreshes the mind that is now failing to notice the ingenuity of fabric constructions and reorients our focus back to the awe and wonder of pure material.
The Veils are designed to be seen from all angles - above and below, front and back - to experience and encounter the true, honest language of the binary expression of yarn, and the woven layers that travel back and forth.
Each layers of The Veil emphasizes on both slow and rapid tempos of wefts, tension between where layers connect and disperse, and the consistent transparency that remains through the careful engineering of warp density.
While Veil
Blue Veil
“We must come down to earth from the clouds where we live in vagueness, and experience the most real thing there is: material.”
- Anni Albers